Find ticket number of flight when booking with American Express
Recently I booked a flight with my American express points and annual bonus however on…
Recently I was billed an extra $50 CAD for going over my data useage by 1 GB. Checking through how this happened as I had multiple barriers to stop this proved 3 failures :
I went in Store to complain however the guy said there was nothing he could do about it.
I went to the online help and was told by the first rep that “I am responsible for my data usage not them” “the text messages could not be relied on it was random!” , I reiterated the above and ask for my case to the elevated, he aksed me to go to store. I reiterated the elevation and 10 minutes later I then spoke to a manager who accepted fault and tried to only refund 75% of charges! I said this was unacceptable as Fido were at fault and he succumbed and refunded the full amount!
Worst case you can log a message with the ombudsman