Find ticket number of flight when booking with American Express
Recently I booked a flight with my American express points and annual bonus however on…
Trying to transfer money when you first move to a country can be difficult. The old method of travellers cheques are awkward and cuberson however the benefit is you don’t need a local bank account.
Travelex have brought out a card , where you can preload currency and exchange with a 0% comissions for free withdrawls
Another good method is to find a credit card with 0% commission on exchange rates e.g. : Halifax Clarity Mastercard
Then positively load on money to the Credit Card so you are in positive balance , which won’t get charged a Cash Advance Fee so it’s free withdrawls around the world!
You can also use a money transfer service such as Transferwise, where you give it a From and to Bank Account and it does the rest at a very competative rate
By using this sign up link :
You can send your first 500 GBP for free