Cheapest way to recieve Vodafone Voicemail Overseas
To recieve your standard vodafone voicemail messages overseas you need to dial your own mobile…
Receiving calls abroad when roaming on your mobile can get expensive for both parties involved! For example receiving a call on Vodafone abroad can cost you up to 75p a Minute! However I have found a significant cheaper way around. This is advisable for people staying in the country for more than 1 Week as it involves buying a local simcard.
2 ) Click here to get your unique SkypeIn number – This gives you a local number to forward your mobile calls too for free ( With Inclusive Anytime Minutes ) or a small per minute fee with pay as you go!
To setup call forwarding on your mobile enter the following on your mobile *21*[phone number you want to forward to]# and press the call button. To remove this forward , enter #21# and press the call button again
3) Next depending which country you are going to, you can sign up to the international monthly tariff and pay £7 a month for unlimited free calls to Singapore, Canada, USA, China, Hong Kong Mobiles or pretty much any other countries land-line , or buy some Skype pay as you go Credit and and pay 0.014p/minute for the forwarding costs.
4) Purchase a local pay as you go simcard from any local telcom shop or purchase a GO-Sim before you go ( Use Code am3p5wj to get 10% off )
4) Enable Skype Call Forwarding , By opening Skype and going to Tools > Options > Calls > Call Forwarding and entering you