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What happens when you get an email like this The Buyer gets a full refund…
What is this?
Tangerine gives new customers who start new saving accounts sign up bonus’ in the form of a high starting Interest rate for 180 Days. These can be any where in the region of 2 – 3%. The process of Chasing is existing customers getting this good rate every 6 months
How do I get the offer every Bonus Round?
After you have fufilled the Bonus interest duration ( the 180 Days ), you need to move your money from your Tangerine Savings account to your Chequing Account ASAP. Some people say you need to move this to a different bank, however I can confirm this works by just leaving it in the Chequeing account. After that you should wait for an email from Tangerine with the offer, the move the money back into the savings account
What happens if I don’t move it from my savings?
Your interest rate will go down to the banks normal rate of around 1% as I write this. Even if you try phoning them up they will not match the Bonus rate and you will be stuck on this interest rate for the new 180 days
How do I know what Rate I am going to get?
This depends on what Tangerine offer you. Here is a recently survey done by Redflags to what people were offered