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Part of the arrival into Canada when you enter first is proof of health insurance per http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/iec/arrival.asp
The border services officer may ask you for proof of health insurance.
You may be refused entry if you do not have insurance.
Your insurance must cover:
- medical care,
- hospitalization, and
- repatriation (returning you to your country in the event of severe illness, injury or death).
When you arrive at the port of entry, you must have health insurance valid for your entire stay in Canada. Having a valid provincial health card is not enough. Repatriation is not covered by provincial health insurance.
If your insurance policy is valid for less than your expected stay, you will be issued a work permit that expires at the same time as your insurance.
If this happens, you will not be able to apply to change the conditions of your work permit at a later date.
This can either be some Existing Travel insurance you have , however it needs to be valid for your duration of your IEC , my IEC was for 2 years and most Travel Insurance only cover up to one year. I checked the prices
However this is Canada …. So If I add Snowboarding and or Downhill Mountain biking ( this is oncourse stuff )
Total : £890.69GBP
Refund Policy
If your policy has already started, then we’re sorry, it’s not possible to change this or get a refund on any unused part of the policy if you change your min *
If you come to British Columbia, Quebec, Ontario, or New Brunswick you have to buy Canadian emergency medical health insurance for the first 3 month in Canada
If you get a job , e.g. in British Columbia
I’m on a working holiday program – what do I need to send to apply for coverage?
Persons on a working holiday program need to have:
– a working permit valid for at least six consecutive months or more,
– must be staying in British Columbia for at least six consecutive months, and
– be working a minimum of 18 hours per week.To apply for coverage, those with a valid working permit on a working holiday program must submit the Application for Enrolment form with both of the following items to determine eligibility:
Confirmation of employment in British Columbia with:
– a copy of your employment contract indicating full-time status or the number of hours worked per week, OR
– a letter from your employer stating the date employment started and expected to end, and indicate full-time status or the number of hours worked per week.
– Departure date from British Columbia.
Provincial health insurance in Canada is not a substitute for travel insurance as it does not cover repatriation (i.e. cost of flying you home in the event of serious injury or death).
Cost for a year arbetovinsurance.com : $617.58 CAD which includes Sports. This also can be refunded for the months I don’t use , so when I get a job and switch to Provincial Healthcare I can get the unused refunded
Provincial healthcare seems the cheaper option , however remember provincial health car does not include repatriation!